Tattoo Aftercare

Ensuring your tattoo heals correctly

Our tattoo aftercare guide covers two methods: Saniderm and traditional. Please ensure you’re following the guide that best suits your situation, as not all instructions below will apply to your situation.

Please be aware that everyone’s bodies heal differently and at different paces. Do not Google or compare your unique healing process to someone you may know. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns related to your healing. Our artists are more than happy to assist you!

At Lunar Ink Gallery, we take pride in the quality of our work, offering a quality guarantee on every tattoo, including cover-ups and repairs. As long as you follow our recommended aftercare protocols, we provide free touchups to ensure your tattoo heals properly and remains vibrant.

Sock & Sleeve Tattoo Aftercare Houston TX

Saniderm Tattoo Aftercare

Saniderm is a transparent, thin, water-resistant, breathable form of a bandage to enhance tattoo healing and prevent infections.

Once the Saniderm has been applied, leave it on for FOUR days. Do NOT pick at the bandage. Do NOT remove the bandage before the FOUR-day timeframe, no matter how unappealing it looks underneath. The build-up below is completely normal and encouraged. Some peeling in the corners is normal and not harmful to your tattoo unless your tattoo becomes exposed. If your tattoo does become exposed prior to the four-day timeframe, follow the removal process and proceed to follow the traditional healing after-care (read below).

Saniderm Removal

Once FOUR days have passed, remove Saniderm in a warm shower. We recommend peeling from one corner, in the direction of hair growth, and slowly stretching the bandage off underneath the water. The warm water will help dissolve the adhesive and make it easier to remove. Do NOT remove in a swift pull like a Band-Aid. Once the Saniderm has been stretched off, wash the area with unscented antibacterial soap and pat dry. Apply unscented lotion or Aquaphor in a thin layer, as needed.

Traditional Aftercare

Remove your bandage after 2-3 hours in a clean environment. Only touch your tattoo with clean hands. Wash your tattoo in warm water using unscented, antibacterial soap. Washing in small circular motions until all the ink, blood and lymphatic fluids are gone. Once the tattoo is clean, pat dry with a clean cloth or paper towel.

We recommend applying a thin layer of Aquaphor for the first 2-3 days as needed to keep your tattoo from drying out. After 2-3 days, you can switch to a fragrance-free lotion.

Some fresh tattoos “weep” during the tattoo healing process, meaning a thin layer of ink and plasma are building up on the skin’s surface. This is completely normal and can be dabbed off with a clean paper towel or cloth. Never rub a healing tattoo. When dabbing some ink/color may come off, do not panic. This is simply excess ink being expelled from the skin.

After a few days, the tattoo will begin to flake and maybe even scab. DO NOT PICK OR SCRATCH YOUR TATTOO. Keep the tattoo moisturized and the flakes and/or scabs will begin to come off naturally. It usually takes 2-3 weeks for a tattoo to completely heal, depending on size and location. Everyone’s healing process is unique to them.

Please contact your tattoo artist at the first sign of infection or allergic reaction. Contact a health care practitioner if needed and report any diagnosed infection, allergic reaction, or adverse reaction to the health department at 1-888-839-6676.

Our Tattoo Styles and Services

At Lunar Ink Gallery, we pride ourselves on offering a wide variety of tattoo styles to cater to all preferences and ideas. Each style is backed by years of expertise, ensuring precision and a result you’ll be proud to wear.